Application Testing System and its importance
Just woke up to a bunch of emails, furnished for employment ?
I discerned why myriads of job seekers are not considered. There’s less improvement I must say and it pains me.
Dear Job Seekers, please avoid scanning your CV as the Application Testing System (ATS) curated by hiring companies won’t even process it [your cv].
Reasons scanned CVs aren’t recognised by ATS
The ATS;
• Scan the content of your CVPlease avoid using graphics, ATS hardly recognise those. Pictures and icons should be avoided
• Search for verbs and see if your CV is easily readable, if you used proofreading software you will understand
• Pass through your experience and relevant information for the job you’ll be applying for (simplifying the hiring process, less reading)
• Identify bulletin points (vitally significant) bulletins separate new entries, clearly so!
I recommend round bulletins as they are neat and crystal clear, avoid using bulletins attractive to you – do your research
• Identify fonts used (a scanned CV makes it impossible to find those)
Recommendable fonts are Times New Roman and Arial (if you did your assignments at tertiary, most guides required one of the two as your assignment font)
Calibri is easily spotted by ATS but I personally don’t recommend it
Application Testing System (ATS) is significant, please research about ATS.